BioField Clearing Description

BioField Clearing Done over the Phone:

Our BioField often contains unconscious wounds, trauma’s, core fears, limiting beliefs, cellular memories, emotions, and even inherited and ancestral patterns that get trapped in our energy field and cause physical and emotional imbalances. They can limit our success in all aspects of our lives, including relationships, health, and even financial success. 

BioField Clearing is a healing system that uses 18 charts and specific methods to easily identify and clear these challenges, or negative influences, from our energy field, deep into our subconscious and unconscious mind, as well as our DNA.   

We use ancient Egyptian tools based on sacred geometry to create a magnetic vortex to clear out these default patterns. Once everything is cleared, we use a few other charts, and 18 Keys for Inner Healing to infuse the energy field with loving, balancing, and healing energy of Divine Golden Light, as well as empowering beliefs and what you need to master to create lasting healing in every way.  It is truly powerful, sacred healing work.  


Releasing these blocks often result in the sudden disappearance of:

Physical health problems,

Chronic pains,


Financial/abundance difficulties

Relationship difficulties.

Emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of emotional energies, blocks, fears, and stuck patterns that literally inhabit your body. We can look at emotional blockages, relationship challenges, blockages to self-empowerment, self-sabotage, what is needed for correction, limiting patterns, addictions, stuck energy in the chakra's, and whatever comes up for your personal journey.

Blocked energy can create pain, malfunction and eventual disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how successful you will be.

Perhaps the most important discovery that has been made is that trapped emotional energies will often gather around the heart, creating a “Heart-Wall” that may block you from giving and receiving love freely.

​Using Kinesiology and ancient Egyptian Dowsing tools, we can connect with and ASK the body, or actually the sub-conscious energy field, any information we need.  With specific questions, and using the numerous charts, we can quickly determine any trapped emotions that are creating pain or blocks of ANY kind.  It is simple and easy to release them.

​NOTE:  This work can be done on anyone, people or animals. It is easily done LONG DISTANCE over the phone. 

After releasing numerous negative blocks from many years, even some that are inherited over several generations and lifetimes, we now can add positive intentional choices on a conscious, aware level of what we truly want to create now in our lives.  This is deeply empowering and freeing!  

This is a distinct and authoritative new work that is destined to become an instant classic on self-healing, filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice,. 'Keys to Inner Healing' have been included to give you new insight, to show you how trapped emotions can cause all kinds of problems, and give you the means to release them. You can take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from the insidious and subtle forces that old patterns are exerting upon you.


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